Academic Workload

How many units (rounded up) are you enrolled in for the current semester at CSU Chico?

More than half, or 53.7% (n = 80), of students filling out this survey are enrolled in 13-15 units in the semester of the survey, a quarter of the students (24.2% n = 36) are enrolled in 12 units, and 20.8% (n = 31) are enrolled in 16 or more units.

If currently enrolled at more than one college, how many units (rounded up) are you enrolled in for the current semester at other colleges (NOT CSU Chico)?

Out of the students who reported they are taking units outside of CSU Chico, about 37.5% (n = 3) are taking 13 or more units in a different college, 25.0% (n = 2) are taking either 1-3 units or 12 units respectively, and only 1 person (12.5%) is enrolled in 10 units outside of CSU Chico.

Non-Academic Workload

Estimate the number of hours you work in a PAID job or paid internship per week

The majority of the students in this survey (n = 51 34.2%) reported that they work 0 paid hours a week, roughly 20% (n = 29) reported they work 6-10 paid hours a week and only 4.7% (n = 7) work 1-5 paid hours a week.

Estimate the number of hours you work in an UNPAID internship or volunteer position For example, research with faculty on campus, shadowing a professional or volunteering at a shelter.

The majority of respondents (n = 87 58.4%) reported that they work 0 unpaid hours a week, 19.5% (n = 29) work 1-5 unpaid hours, and lastly 12.1% (n = 18) reported they work 21 unpaid hours a week.