Financial Aid

Select ALL sources of financial support you currently receive while attending college? (Mark all that apply)

n %
Pell Grant 111 74.0
Cal Grant A or B 125 83.3
Non Athletic 11 7.3
Athletic 1 0.7
Other Grants 0 0.0
Federal Loans 75 50.0
Private Loans 6 4.0
Work-study 93 62.0
GI Bill 1 0.7
Other 55 36.7

Hourly Wages

If you are currently in a PAID position, what is your average hourly wage from all jobs worked during the academic year?

35.8% (n = 53) of the respondents reported that they make between $12.00 and $12.99/hr and 35.8% (n = 53) reported they are currently not working, while only a total of 6 people reported they make over $14.00 an hour.

Receive SSI

Do you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in California?

The majority of respondents (96.3% n = 131) reported that they do not receive Supplemental Security Income in California and 3.7% (n = 5) reported they do.

Barriers to Employment

Click here to go to the Barriers to Employment page


Click here to go to the Expenses page


Partially funded by USDA SNAP, known in California as CalFresh, an equal opportunity provider and employer, and the California Department of Social Services. Any use of these results in further work must use the following citation:
Center for Healthy Communities, "Basic Needs Survey", June 2020. Retrieved on xx-xxx-xxxx from
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