Financial Aid

Select ALL sources of financial support you currently receive while attending college? (Mark all that apply)

n %
Pell Grant 111 74.0
Cal Grant A or B 125 83.3
Non Athletic 11 7.3
Athletic 1 0.7
Other Grants 0 0.0
Federal Loans 75 50.0
Private Loans 6 4.0
Work-study 93 62.0
GI Bill 1 0.7
Other 55 36.7

Hourly Wages

If you are currently in a PAID position, what is your average hourly wage from all jobs worked during the academic year?

35.8% (n = 53) of the respondents reported that they make between $12.00 and $12.99/hr and 35.8% (n = 53) reported they are currently not working, while only a total of 6 people reported they make over $14.00 an hour.

Receive SSI

Do you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in California?

The majority of respondents (96.3% n = 131) reported that they do not receive Supplemental Security Income in California and 3.7% (n = 5) reported they do.

Barriers to Employment

Click here to go to the Barriers to Employment page


Click here to go to the Expenses page