Before attending college, did you expect to find or want to find a PAID job or PAID internship during the academic year to help cover your college expenses and personal expenses while in college?

The majority of students (n = 112 83.0%) reported that they did expect to find a paid job during the academic year to help support their expenses while 17.0% (n = 23) did not.

If you expected or wanted to find a paid job or paid internship, were you successful in securing a position that paid enough to cover your expenses?

A little over a third, or 34.3% (n = 48) of students, reported that they were not able to find a paid position that meets their expenses and 32.1% (n = 45) reported they were sometimes able to find a paid position. 24.3% (n = 34) of students reported that they were able to find a job that almost always has been able to meet their expenses.

If you have not found paid jobs or internships that have consistently covered your expenses while in college, how strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements?

I was offered jobs, but did not have transportation to a job or available jobs were not within walking/bike riding/bus distance of my residence or campus.

33.6% (n = 37) of respondents reported that they disagree with the statement that they were not able to work because they had no transportation and 17.3% (n = 19) agreed with the statement.

I searched and applied for jobs but was not offered a job.

31.8% (n = 35) of respondents agreed that they searched for a job but was never offered a job and 16.4% (n = 18) reported they disagree with the statement.

I searched for jobs, but my class schedule or study time was not compatible with any jobs that were offered to me.

42.7% (n = 47) of respondents agreed that their class or study schedule conflicted with the work hours so were not able to work and 15.4% (n = 17) reported that they disagree with the statement.

I searched for jobs, but family obligations interfered with any jobs offered to me.

36.4% (n = 40) of respondents disagreed that their family obligations interfered with any jobs offered to them and 10.9% (n = 12) agreed with the statement.

I expected to find a job, but never searched for a job because my school work (studying) did not allow time for a job.

25.4% (n = 28) disagreed that they expected to find a job, but never searched for one because their school work did not allow time and 23.6% (n = 26) agreed with the statement. 20.0% (n = 22) neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement.

I expected to find a job, but never searched for a job, due to other unexpected obligations or conflicts that did not allow time for a job.

33.6% (n = 37) disagreed that they expected to find a job, but due to other unexpected obligations, they did not find a job and 12.7% (n = 14) agreed with the statement. 25.4% (n = 28) neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement.

I did not expect to or want to find a job while in college.

Financial Support & Income

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