
Are you a US citizen?

Most respondents, or 92.6% (n = 137), reported that they are U.S. citizens and 7.4% (n = 11) reported they are not citizens.

If not a U.S. citizen, are you a lawful permanent resident (i.e. have a “green card”)?

Out of the participants that were not a U.S. citizen, 54.5% (n = 6) report they are not a permanent resident and 45.5% (n = 5) report they are a permanent resident.

Participation ⭐

  • CalFresh: Half, or 50.0% (n = 74) of respondents, reported that they currently CalFresh and 17.6% (n = 26) have used it in the past. 31.1% (n = 46) reported they have heard of CalFresh but have never used it and 1.4% (n = 2) have never heard of it.

  • WIC: Only 2.7% (n = 4) of respondents reported they currently use the WIC nutrition program, 6.8% (n = 10) of respondents reported they have used it in the past, and 17.0% (n = 25) reported they have never heard of it. The majority (n = 108 73.5%) reported that they have heard of it but never have used it.

  • CalWORKs: Only 0.7% (n = 1) of respondents reported they currently use CalWORKs, 6.8% (n = 10) of respondents reported they have used it in the past, and 7.4% (n = 11) reported they have never heard of it. The majority (n = 126 85.1%) reported that they have heard of it but never have used it.

  • Emergency Food: Of the students who responded, 28.4% (n = 42) reported that they currently use emergency food from the food bank, food pantry, or church, 28.4% (n = 42) reported they have used emergency food in the past, and 3.4% (n = 5) reported they never heard of it. The majority (n = 59 39.9%) reported they have heard of it but never used it.

  • Food Pantry: 47.6% (n = 69) of the respondents reported that they utilized the food pantry for 1-2 months in the last year, 7.6% (n = 11) reported that they utilized the pantry more than 8 months in the last year, and 17.2% (n = 25) reported they did not utilize the food pantry because there was no need.

  • Free Food from community: Only 9.5% (n = 14) of respondents reported that they currently get free food from other community organizations such as meal vouchers, 15.5% (n = 23) reported they have used it in the past, and 22.3% (n = 33) reported they have never heard of it. The majority (n = 78 52.7%) reported that they have heard of it but have never used it.

  • Free or reduced lunch: Only 6.8% (n = 10) of respondents reported that they currently have free or reduced lunch meals at district schools for their children or dependents, 45.3% (n = 67) reported that they have in the past, and 37.2% (n = 55) reported they have heard of it but have never used it. Only 10.8% (n = 16) reported they have never heard of it.

Impact ⭐

Check all statements below that apply to you while you receive or received CalFresh benefits

More than 50% of respondents neither agreed or disagreed, or agreed, that they were able to work fewer paid hours (65.1%), had more time for unpaid work (57.6%), had more money for bills (71.4%) and entertainment (59.6%), shopped at the Farmer’s Market more (56.8%), were able to learn more about healthy food (71.8%) and were able to purchase healthy foods (87.3%) while they received CalFresh.

Check all statements below that apply to you while you receive or received CalFresh benefits

More than 50% of respondents neither agreed or disagreed, or agreed, that while they were receiving CalFresh they were enrolled in more classes (52%), able to concentrate more in classes (94.9%), and their grades improved (96.2%). They had more time to study for exams (93.8%), prepare for class (92.6%), and had more time for homework (92.4%) & office hours (89%). They also reported that they neither disagreed nor agreed, or agreed, that they had more time to attend class (93.6%), for field trips (84.9%), their sleep quality improved (82.3%) and stress level decreased (73.9%) while receiving CalFresh.

Check all statements below that apply to you while you receive or received CalFresh benefits

More than 50% of respondents neither agreed or disagreed, or agreed, that they were able to cook at home more often (94%), consumed a healthier diet (86.8%), consumed less fast food (84.6%), consumed fewer processed foods (85.9%), consumed fewer sweetened drinks (79.4%), and consumed fewer alcoholic beverages (81.4%) while they received CalFresh.

Barriers ⭐

What are the reason(s)you do not have CalFresh or have never used CalFresh? (Mark all that apply)

n %
Didn’t Think They Were Eligible 23 15.3
Too Long 13 8.7
Could Not Get Verification Document 10 6.7
Other 8 5.3
Too Difficult 7 4.7
No Time To Go To Office 6 4.0
Family Does Not Want To 6 4.0
No Need 5 3.3
Embarrassed 4 2.7
No Transportation 4 2.7
Beliefs 2 1.3
Campus Was Not Helpful 0 0.0