Major, GPA, & Units

What is your major at CSU, Chico?

Major Frequency
accounting 2
agriculture crop science 1
animal science 2
anthropology 2
anthropology - pre med 1
art studio 1
biochemistry 1
biology 1
business- finance 1
business administration 3
business administration - finance 1
business administration human resource 1
business entrepreneurship 1
business information systems 1
business management 2
cell molecular biology 1
chemistry 1
child development 8
child development and social work 1
civil engineering 2
cj 1
communication science and disorder 1
communication science and disorders 1
communication sciences and disorders 1
communication studies 2
computer animation and game development 1
concrete industry management 1
concrete industry management minor in business 1
construction management 1
construction management & concrete industry management 1
criminal justice 12
criminal justice and psychology 1
english education 2
exercise physiology 4
game developtment 1
graphic design 1
health education 2
health science 3
health science admin 1
health science administration 1
health science with an emphasis in health education 1
health science: education 1
health services administration 1
journalism- public relations 1
kinesiology (movement studies) 1
lbst/ comm. sciences and disorders 1
liberal studies 4
math education 1
mathematics - statistics 1
mechanical engineering 1
mechatronic engineering 1
microbiology 1
multicultural gender studies 1
nutrition and food science 1
nutritiona and food science 1
organizational communications 1
parks and rec 1
parks and recs 1
pre-nursing 1
pre nursing 1
pre recording arts min;afam studies 1
psychological sciences 1
psychology 19
psychology and child development 1
psychology and spanish 1
psychology/criminal justice 1
public admin 1
public health 1
public relations 1
pyschology 1
recording arts and music industry 1
recreational therapy 1
social work 4
sociology 14
spanish 2
studio art 1
undeclared or not decided 3

What is your approximate overall Grade Point Average (GPA) for your current degree in progress?

About a third, or 34.0% (n = 51), of participants reported that their GPA is between 2.51 and 3.0, 32.0% (n = 48) reported that their GPA is between 3.01 and 3.5, and 20.0% (n = 30) reported that their GPA is between 2.01 and 2.5. 12.0% (n = 18) reported that their GPA is above 3.5 and lastly 2.0% (n = 3) reported that their GPA is between 1.51 and 2.0.

Estimate your class level for the 2018-2019 academic school year by units completed (do not include units currently in progress this semester)

Just under half, or 45.0% (n = 67) of respondents, reported that they are Juniors (60-89 units), 44.3% (n = 66) reported that they are Seniors (90+ units), 7.4% (n = 11) reported that they are Sophomores (30-59 units), 2.7% (n = 4) reported that they are Freshman (0-29 units), and lastly 0.7% (n = 1) reported that they are a Graduate Student year 2+.

What month and year did you first attend Chico State?

Matriculation Date Frequency
2012-08-01 1
2013-06-01 1
2013-08-01 5
2014-08-01 15
2015-05-01 1
2015-06-01 1
2015-08-01 34
2016-08-01 43
2016-09-01 1
2017-01-01 4
2017-08-01 12
2018-01-01 1
2018-08-01 23
2019-01-01 6
2019-08-01 2

Out of all the students who took this survey, the student who attended Chico state the earliest started in 08/01/2012 and the two students who attended the latest started in 08/01/2019.

What month and year do you expect to graduate from Chico State to earn your current degree?

Expected Graduation Date Frequency
2019-05-31 35
2019-08-31 1
2019-12-31 14
2020-05-31 38
2020-08-31 1
2020-12-31 16
2021-05-31 31
2022-05-31 8
2023-05-31 2

Out of all the students who took this survey, the student who expects to graduate the earliest expects to graduate in 05/31/2019 and the student who expects to graduate the latest expects to graduate in 05/31/2023.

Have you taken a semester off since you began attending Chico State? If so, how many?

The majority of respondents, or 92.7% (n = 139), reported that they have not taken a semester off since they began attending Chico State, 2.7% (n = 4) reported that they took 1 semester off, 2.0% (n = 3) reported that they took 2 semesters off, 2.0% (n = 3) reported that they took 3 semesters off, and lastly 0.7% (n = 1) reported that they took 4 semesters off.

Student Identifiers

I identify as a(an)… ⭐

Transfer student 40/150 (26.7%)
Former foster youth/child 7/150 (4.7%)
International student 0/150 (0%)
Non-California resident (Not International) 4/149 (2.7%)
College prep program* 68/149 (45.6%)
EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) student 110/148 (74.3%)
REACH (Raising Educational Achievement in Collaborative Hubs) student 17/149 (11.4%)
ESL (English as a Second Language) student 33/145 (22.8%)
Veteran of military service 0/150 (0%)
Active duty military personnel 0/150 (0%)
Student Athlete 2/149 (1.3%)
DREAM (i.e. undocumented) student 8/150 (5.3%)
DACA (i.e. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) student 8/150 (5.3%)

I receive services through the Accessibility Resource Center or Disability Support Services Center

The majority of the students in this survey (87.3% n = 131) report they do not receive services through the Accessibility Resource Center or Disability Support Services Center and 12.7% (n = 19) report they do.

I am approved, awarded, or accepted for work study (with or without a work study job)

The majority of respondents, or 88.0% (n = 125), reported that they are approved, awarded, or accepted for work study, and 12.0% (n = 17) are not.

I participate in CalWORKS (i.e. TANF or cash aid for needy families) or Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

The majority of respondents, or 76.0% (n = 111), report that they do not participate in CalWORKS or Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and 24.0% (n = 35) report they do.

I participate in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) Program

Most respondents, or 95.2% (n = 138), report that they do not participate in the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills program and 4.8% (n = 7) report they do.

I participate in the CalFresh Employment or Training (CFET) Program

Of respondents, 83.3% (n = 120) report they do not participate in the CalFresh Employment or Training Program and 16.7% (n = 24) report they do not.

I am enrolled in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

All respondents in this survey (100% n = 147) report that they are not enrolled in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

I am enrolled in Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

A very small percentage (3.4% n = 5) of respondents are enrolled in Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education with the majority (96.6% n = 143) are not.

I am enrolled in the Mathematics, Engineering, Science achievement (MESA) Program

The majority of respondents (95.3% n = 142) reported that they are not enrolled in the MESA Program while 4.7% (n = 7) report they are.

I am a student attending CSU, receiving Cal Grant A OR B

Most respondents, or 87.4% (n = 125), reported that they do receive either Cal Grant A or B while 12.6% (n = 18) reported they do not.

I am enrolled in a program that increases employability for current and former foster youth (Guardian Scholars, FYSI, CAFYES, ETV or Extended Foster Care)

A large proportion (96.6% n = 144) of respondents reported that they are not enrolled in a program that increases employability for current and former foster youth while 3.4% (n = 5) reported that they are.

I exert parental control over a dependent household member between the age of 6 and 12 with no adequate childcare

All respondents (100% n = 147) reported that they do not exert parental control over a dependent household member between the age of 6 and 12 with no adequate childcare.

I am a single parent of a dependent household member under the age of 12

Only 1 (0.7%) person reported that they are a single parent of a dependent household member under the age of 12 while the rest (99.3% n = 148) reported they are not.

Personal Demographics

Click here to go to the Personal Demographics page