The following questions were asked in regards to students feelings about their mental health. This includes if they have experienced any increased mental stress, if they have sought out services to help them, and how often they have felt certain types of mental stress over the past month.
How many days in the past month have you experienced
heightened anxiety, stress, depression and/or problems with emotions?
(n=368, 90% of 407 reporting).
Figure 11.1: Increased Mental Stress Distribution
Over the past month, the participants of the survey claimed to have experienced increased mental stress for any average (denoted by the dotted line) of 10.1 days, with a median value of 6 days. A large amount, and the most selected answer, claim to have experienced increased mental stress every day over the last month (41 people).
Have you received or tried to receive mental health services over the past 12 months? (n=365, 90% of 407 reporting).
Figure 11.2: Sought Out Mental Health Services
Over the past year, the majority of students did not receive or try to receive mental health services (281 people). 84 people claim that they have received or try to receive mental health services.
In the last month how often have you felt:1
Figure 11.3: Feelings Around Mental Health
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These questions were developed from the validated Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)↩︎