Basic Needs & Student Success Survey


  • The Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) developed the Basic Needs and Student Success Survey (BNS3) and administered it to undergraduate students participating in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) or the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) at 12 colleges across the CSU, CCC, and UC systems from 2022 to 2023.
  • This site provides a top level descriptive analysis of each question in the survey.


The main purpose of this third cross-sectional study was to evaluate the following:

  • The impact of receiving CalFresh Food Benefits
  • Barriers to applying to CalFresh Food
  • College student food insecurity
  • The impact of and barriers to using other basic needs services


  • EOP/EOPS offices assisted in the recruitment by emailing interest form links to their EOP/EOPS students.
  • Students who met the eligibility criteria of being undergraduate EOP/EOPS students and receiving less than 11 meals per week from other services (used as an eligibility criterion when determining CalFresh Food eligibility) were then emailed a survey.
  • Participants were given a $25 gift card incentive for completing the survey.
  • EOP/EOPS students were identified as the target population for this survey based on their low-income and first-generation student status, which indicates a higher probability of using CalFresh Food and being likely eligible for CalFresh Food.

A total of 2,110 EOP/EOPS students in California were surveyed from the following campuses:

Disclaimer on Missing Data

Students had the option to select “Prefer not to answer” for all questions, or options such as “I don’t know” for a small subset of questions, and these responses were set as missing values. In addition, 186 (8.8%) students did not finish the survey. These two factors are the cause of missing data (i.e., not 100% of respondents reporting). In each table/figure, the n reporting refers to the total number of non-missing responses, while the percent reporting reflects the percent of non-missing responses.

Use of Website and Access to Data

Please reach out to our PI, Stephanie Bianco, if you would like more information on using or citing this website, accessing the data, methods used, or survey instruments used.

How to Cite This Website

Center for Healthy Communities. (2023). Statewide Basic Needs and Student Success Survey.