Academic Profile

Students were asked to report information relating to their academics. This includes information such as what college they were currently enrolled in, their class standing, major, GPA, and enrolled units. They were also asked questions about programs they participate in as well as what type of students they identify as (transfer, international, etc.).

See Information on Missing Data

College Campus

Figure 2.1. Survey Participants by Campus (n=2110, 100% of 2110 reporting).

Survey Question: Which campus do you attend?

Additional Notes: The University of California (UC) campus (n=1) is shown in blue, the California State University (CSU) campuses (n=6) are shown in red, and the California Community College (CCC) campuses (n=5) are shown in yellow (n = 12 campuses total).

Summary: A total of 1238 (58.7%), 690 (32.7%) and 182 (8.6%) college students were enrolled in CSU, CCC and UC campuses, respectively. All college students were either in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at the UC or CSU systems or in the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) in the CCC systems.

Academic Level

Figure 2.2. Student Academic Level (n=2065, 98% of 2110 reporting).

Survey Question: Estimate your class standing by units completed (do not include units from this semester/quarter):

Summary: The statewide survey captures undergraduate students of all class standing. Of the 2065 students reporting, 565 (27.4%) were freshmen, 433 (21.0%) were sophomores, 579 (28.0%) were juniors, and 444 (21.5%) were seniors.


Figure 2.3. Academic Majors (n=2089, 99% of 2110 reporting).

Survey Question: Which of the following categories best describes your major?

Additional Notes: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) was shortened for the figure above, but also includes the following majors: Medicine, Computer Science, Agriculture, Accounting, Statistics, Nursing, and Nutrition.

Summary: A total of 680 (32.6%) students were majoring in a Public Health, Social Services, Social Science, or Education, while 624 (29.9%) students majored in STEM.

Overall GPA

Figure 2.4. Reported GPA (n=2063, 98% of 2110 reporting).

Survey Question: What is your approximate overall grade point average (GPA)? Remember that your GPA is on a scale from 0 to 4.0.

Summary: The average overall GPA for students was 3.31, while the median was 3.4. A total of 1549 (75.1%) students had a GPA greater than or equal to 3.0, and 583 (28.3%) had a GPA greater than or equal to 3.7.

Currently Enrolled Units

Figure 2.5. Enrolled Units (n=2090, 99% of 2110 reporting).

Survey Question: How many units are you currently taking?

Summary: Students were enrolled in an average of 12.86 units, while the median was 13. A total of 1698 (81.2%) students were considered full-time (12 or more units), with 12 units being the most common response and 15 units being the second most common.

I identify as…

Table 2.1. Academic Identifiers.
Student Identifiers: Yes (%)
A Transfer Student. (n = 2008) 742 (37.0%)
An ESL (English as a Second Language) student. (n = 2020) 581 (28.8%)
LGBTQA+. (n = 1997) 295 (14.8%)
A student with a disability. (n = 2013) 248 (12.3%)
A student receiving services through my campus for a disability. (n = 2065) 195 (9.4%)
A DREAM (i.e. undocumented) student. (n = 2081) 148 (7.1%)
A former foster youth/child. (n = 2084) 127 (6.1%)
A non-California resident (not International). (n = 2059) 76 (3.7%)
A DACA (i.e. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) student. (n = 2073) 65 (3.1%)
A student athlete. (n = 2073) 50 (2.4%)
An International student. (n = 2079) 22 (1.1%)
A Veteran of military service. (n = 2100) 14 (0.7%)

Survey Question: Please check any statement below that you identify with.

Additional Notes: Students selected from the following options: “Yes,” “No,” and “I don’t know.” Responses of “I don’t Know” were set as missing values. The n count next to each label represents the total number of non-missing responses.

Summary: A total of 742 (37.0%) of students identified as transfer students, 581 (28.8%) identified as students with English as their second language, and 295 (14.8%) identified as LGBTQA+.

Academic Performance & Activities

Figure 2.6. Academic Performance & Activities.

Summary: For each of the following statements, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree about the time you have available for these academic activities and your confidence in your academic performance.

Summary: Some highlights of the results include the following: A total of 1321 (70.1%) agreed or strongly agreed that they were confident in their writing skills; 978 (51.9%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that they had enough time to keep up with course material; 1113 (59.5%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that they had enough time to go to office hours; and 482 (25.7%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that they had enough time to attend class.

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