Other Basic Needs
Students were asked to report information relating to their campus food pantry, Medi-Cal, and emergency housing services. Those that have utilized these services were asked to report their perceived impact of these services, while those that were not using them were asked to report any barriers to accessing them.
See Information on Missing Data
Basic Needs
Survey Question: Please mark all the statements that apply to you.
Summary: A total of 538 (28.1%) students reported currently using their campus food pantry or have used it in the past as a college student compared to 1208 (65.0%) students for Medi-Cal and only 72 (3.8%) for emergency housing services.
Food Pantry Usage
Survey Question: Indicated in x-axis Labels
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Currently use the campus food pantry as a student, or Used it in the past as a college student saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: Of those who reported currently using their campus food pantry or have used it in the past as a college student, 235 (47.0%) students reported using it less than once a week, 180 (36.0%) reported using it about once a week, and 27 (5.4%) reported using it more than once a week.
Food Pantry - Impact
Because I utilized campus food pantries:
Survey Question: For the following questions, please choose how much you agree or disagree with the impact campus food pantries has or had on your life. Because I utilized campus food pantries:
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Currently use the campus food pantry as a student, or Used it in the past as a college student saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: Some highlights of the results include the following: Because students utilized their campus food pantries, 382 (82.9%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that they worked fewer hours in a paid position each week; and 417 (84.4%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that they shopped more frequently at the farmers’ market. Meanwhile, 337 (66.7%) students agreed or strongly agreed that they cooked more frequently at home; and 246 (49.9%) agreed or strongly agreed that they did not worry about food running out each month because of the food pantry.
Food Pantry - Barriers
Reasons for Not Using Campus Food Pantries: | Yes (%) |
I feel other students need the food more than I do. (n = 1267) | 386 (30.5%) |
I don't need to use campus food pantries. (n = 1267) | 332 (26.2%) |
I am not aware of any campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 262 (20.7%) |
Inconvenient to access due to lack of transportation or out-of-the way location. (n = 1267) | 213 (16.8%) |
Inconvenient times of operation/limited pantry hours. (n = 1267) | 210 (16.6%) |
I am embarrassed or scared to go to the campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 208 (16.4%) |
I feel uncomfortable about receiving help with basic needs, like food. (n = 1267) | 155 (12.2%) |
Other (n = 1267) | 74 (5.8%) |
I would think less of myself If I went to campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 57 (4.5%) |
I don't want my friends to find out I go to campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 43 (3.4%) |
There are no food pantries close to campus or my residence. (n = 1267) | 39 (3.1%) |
My friends and peers would think less of me if I went to food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 30 (2.4%) |
My family doesn't want me to go to campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 27 (2.1%) |
I do not believe in using campus food pantries or local food banks. (n = 1267) | 4 (0.3%) |
Survey Question: What are the reasons you do not go to campus food pantries? (Select all that apply)
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Never heard of the campus food pantry; Heard of it, but never used it; or Used it before attending college saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: The most common reason students reported for not using their campus food pantry was because they felt that other students need the food more than them, where 386 (30.5%) students selected this option. Meanwhile, 332 (26.2%) reported they did not need to use the food pantry, and 262 (20.7%) reported they were not aware of any campus food pantries or local food banks. Please note, some campuses may not have food pantries on or near their campus.
Medi-Cal - Impact
Knowing that I have Medi-Cal:
Survey Question: For the following questions, please choose how much you agree or disagree with the impact Medi-Cal has or had on your life. Knowing that I have Medi-Cal:
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Currently use Medi-Cal as a student, or Used it in the past as a college student saw this question (See Basic Needs).
Summary: Because students used Medi-Cal, 606 (52.1%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that their mental health has improved; 615 (52.7%) agreed or strongly agreed that their physical health had improved; 758 (65.0%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that their sleep quality had improved; and 698 (59.7%) were neutral, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that their stress/anxiety level had decreased.
Medi-Cal - Barriers
Reasons for Not Using Medi-Cal: | Yes (%) |
I do not know what Medi-Cal is or I think I already have health insurance. (n = 526) | 145 (27.6%) |
I don’t need Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 139 (26.4%) |
I do not think I am eligible for Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 117 (22.2%) |
Other (n = 526) | 95 (18.1%) |
The Medi-Cal application is too difficult to complete. (n = 526) | 39 (7.4%) |
No time to complete the Medi-Cal application/Medi-Cal application is too long. (n = 526) | 33 (6.3%) |
I only need medical services at the student health center associated with my campus. (n = 526) | 21 (4.0%) |
I feel uncomfortable about receiving help with basic needs, like medical care. (n = 526) | 8 (1.5%) |
I have heard from other students that it is not worth my time because I won't be eligible. (n = 526) | 7 (1.3%) |
My family or household does not want me to apply for Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 5 (1.0%) |
I am embarrassed or ashamed to apply for Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 5 (1.0%) |
I would think less of myself If I applied for Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 2 (0.4%) |
I don’t believe in social services like Medi-Cal, CalFresh, WIC, or Welfare/Cash Aid. (n = 526) | 1 (0.2%) |
I don't want my friends to find out I applied for Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 0 (0.0%) |
My friends and peers would think less of me if I applied to Medi-Cal. (n = 526) | 0 (0.0%) |
Survey Question: What are the reasons you do not have Medi-Cal or have never used Medi-Cal? (Select all that apply).
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Never heard of Medi-Cal; Heard of it, but never used it; or Used it before attending college saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: A total of 145 (27.6%) students did not use Medi-Cal because they did not know what Medi-Cal was or they already had another health insurance. Meanwhile, 139 (26.4%) reported not needing Medi-Cal, and 117 (22.2%) did not think they were eligible.
Emergency Housing Services - Impact
Because I received Emergency Housing Services:
Survey Question: For the following questions, please choose how much you agree or disagree with the impact Emergency Housing Services have or had on your life. Because I received Emergency Housing Services:
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Currently use Emergency Housing Services as a student, or Used it in the past as a college student saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: Some highlights of the results include the following: Because students utilized emergency housing services, 40 (59.7%) agreed or strongly agreed that they concentrated more in class; 36 (54.5%) agreed or strongly agreed that their grades had improved; 41 (61.2%) agreed or strongly agreed that their stress/anxiety had decreased; and 39 (59.1%) agreed or strongly agreed that they were less concerned about housing issues.
Emergency Housing Services - Barriers
Reasons for Not Using Emergency Housing Services: | Yes (%) |
I don’t need Emergency Housing Services (n = 1698) | 1062 (62.5%) |
I was not aware that my campus had Emergency Housing Services like grants and housing placements in an emergency. (n = 1698) | 628 (37.0%) |
Other (n = 1698) | 60 (3.5%) |
No time to complete the Emergency Housing application or contact the Emergency Housing Staff. (n = 1698) | 59 (3.5%) |
I feel uncomfortable about receiving help with basic needs, like housing. (n = 1698) | 54 (3.2%) |
I am embarrassed or ashamed to apply for Emergency Housing Services. (n = 1698) | 46 (2.7%) |
The emergency housing grant/money is not enough to support what I need, so not worth my time to apply for it. (n = 1698) | 40 (2.4%) |
The Emergency Housing Services application is too difficult to complete. (n = 1698) | 33 (1.9%) |
I would think less of myself if I applied for Emergency Housing Services. (n = 1698) | 26 (1.5%) |
I don't want my friends to find out that I applied for emergency housing services. (n = 1698) | 17 (1.0%) |
My friends and peers would think less of me if I applied for emergency housing services. (n = 1698) | 14 (0.8%) |
I do not believe in social services like Emergency Housing Services, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, or Welfare/Cash Aid. (n = 1698) | 1 (0.1%) |
Survey Question: What are the reasons you do not use Emergency Housing Services or have never used Emergency Housing Services? (Select all that apply)
Additional Notes: Only students who reported that they Never heard of Emergency Housing Services; Heard of it, but never used it; or Used it before attending college saw this question (See Basic Needs section).
Summary: A total of 1062 (62.5%) students did not use Emergency Housing Services because they reported not needing them, while 628 (37.0%) did not know that their campus offered emergency housing services. Please note, some campuses may not offer emergency housing services.